lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Labor Day!

The demand for workers was clear: an order reducing the workday to 8 hours when "normal" was working 12 to 16 hours. The protest, held initially by 80,000 workers, soon led to a powerful national strike which affected many factories in the United States. The strength shown by the workers in their demands marked a before and after in the history of all workers; establishing that date as the "Labor Day".

On this day, as at every party always held super delicious food, and ta comparirendo with family, a meal between sercanos family is eating out or take home, this depends on the family. But one of the famous dishes of this day is the "locro" which is especially sive for the "Labor Day".

For the holidays, could not miss songs or poems that are necessary to encourage and celebrate with joy, brotherhood and friendship.

On this day in Ecuador, by tradition a march is held part from the "Avenue August 10" to "Plaza de Santo Domingo" or "Plaza San Fransisco" where trumpets, drums, lyres touch, among others.



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