domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

The battle of Pichincha.

The Battle of Pichincha or military day of the war of independence of Ecuador was commanded by General Antonio Jose de Sucre goes back on May 24, 1822 in the Pichincha volcano, located in Quito.

In this battle, General Sucre to marshal Melchor de Aymerich realistic whom he defeated, securing the independence of the Royal Audience of Quito, and gave rise to the Republic of Ecuador faced.

On the morning of May 24, Antoño Jose de Sucre ordered the advance of his army, but the battle with the Spaniards started the last nine o'clock with a scenario of ravines and thickets.
On the other hand, not only Ecuador celebrates its independence other countries like the United States who celebrates its independence on July 4, 1776 date on which the country proclaimed its formal separation from the British Empire.
As in every celebration or party never lacked food, because in this historic date dishes of Ecuador are served, that they can be locate an the places known as the historical center or places like the Plaza eloy alfaro where ladies with kindness and courtesy you they receive and you get to enjoy the good food and typical of the country.                      




The Battle of pichincha had international scope as patriots large audience of Quito had joined men and companions of General Jose de Sucre Antoño that came from Hispanic America and Europe. This involved a division of Peru with other batalones.

Therefore, it was therefore a painful and tragic battle in which the young Abdon Calderon symbol conbirtio in the human drama of the time. But while the battle of Pichincha was a historic confrontation not only for laying the identity of the army of the nation, but, having consolidated the independence of the former quitense, that after colony, on May 29, 1882 I joined Colombia's great dream homeland by Simon Bolibar.


domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016


Mother's Day is celebrated to honor mothers around the world. The origin of that date would be forwarded to Mother's Friendship Day and Mother's Day meetings Meetings organized in 1865 or 1868 by Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis, where mothers gathered to exchange views on various topics.

The first celebrations of Mother's Day dates back to ancient Greece, where he surrendered honor Rhea, the mother of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.Igualmente gods the Romans called this celebration the Hilaria when acquired from the Greeks.
Catholics changed these celebrations to honor the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. In the Catholic calendar on December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a date that Catholics adopted for the celebration of Mother's Day is celebrated.
As in any party or celebration should always be food, for this is no exception in this celebraciion tradition is that children make food or carry food to their mothers, whatever desire he fancies either chicken, turkey, fry , hornado, Chaulafán among other tastings throughout the country.

Mother's Day is a celebration that is lived more intensely because it is really loves the world, because it offers a mother is priceless. In babies and we have provided some small ideas to commemorate this happy day, there is great detail, what counts is the symbolism and giving love. 

There are also many wonderful poems commemorating Mother's Day:

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Labor Day!

The demand for workers was clear: an order reducing the workday to 8 hours when "normal" was working 12 to 16 hours. The protest, held initially by 80,000 workers, soon led to a powerful national strike which affected many factories in the United States. The strength shown by the workers in their demands marked a before and after in the history of all workers; establishing that date as the "Labor Day".

On this day, as at every party always held super delicious food, and ta comparirendo with family, a meal between sercanos family is eating out or take home, this depends on the family. But one of the famous dishes of this day is the "locro" which is especially sive for the "Labor Day".

For the holidays, could not miss songs or poems that are necessary to encourage and celebrate with joy, brotherhood and friendship.

On this day in Ecuador, by tradition a march is held part from the "Avenue August 10" to "Plaza de Santo Domingo" or "Plaza San Fransisco" where trumpets, drums, lyres touch, among others.
